Chris Weber

About Me

Tue Mar 24 2020


Hey folks! It's always tough starting from a blank page (or in this case, blog) so we can consider this a bit of a "Hello World" post.

As long as we're here, for those that know me, this picture will make a lot of sense:

Picture of me eating a pretzel at Disney

Not because I'm an aspiring Disney model/blogger, but I do thoroughly enjoy trips there, snacks, and will indulge in the occasional corny photo =). I also really enjoy technology, both from the software side as well as "gadgets" and other things that make my life more complicated, so I imagine a lot of the content here will end up revolving around that. Selfishly, this will also serve as a bit of self-documentation as well. Regardless, this blog for me is as much about messing around with some technologies (shout out to Material UI, Gatsby, and Netlify) as it is about carving out a small place on the Internet to call my own. Hopefully anyone that lands here can find something useful as well!

Reach Out!

If you have any feedback or comments, or anything in particular you'd like to see, feel free to follow and/or reach out to me on Twitter!

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this site, unless explicitly state otherwise, are solely the representation of myself Chris Weber, and not of my employer, company, family, or friends.